Pamper Tantric Massage London Logo

Welcome to Pamper Tantric, an authentic tantric massage agency in London. Our agency is dedicated to providing exceptional massage services to discerning gentlemen. We pride ourselves on the ability to offer a service that is true to the tantra arts, our girls are highly trained and experienced so that they can provide their London tantric massage services to the best of their ability.

What is A Tantric Massage?

A tantric massage follows the ancient principles of tantra, the esoteric traditions of Buddhism and Hinduism and has been around for over a millennium. The word Tantra, an ancient Sanskrit word, loosely means for a person to be independent, self-dependent, or their own master although there is no official or universally accepted definition. The principles use spirituality and modern massage techniques to stimulate the body.

Tantra is an incredibly broad spectrum of teachings, which is why we make absolutely sure each and every one of our masseuses understands the tantric principles and can use them to provide the very best tantric massage London has to offer. As with any high-quality massage parlour, your spoilt with choice from an incredible range of different massages, each of which offering a different experience for you enjoy.

Our tantric masseuses are very well trained in the services they offer so don't hesitate to choose any one of the massages they specialise in, each of which you'll find listed on the masseuse's personal profile. Each masseuse knows how to use their hands to work the skin, muscles and joints to intensify your sexual energy. You will leave your session feeling fully rejuvenated and energised.

Why London Tantric Massage from Pamper Tantric?

Here at Pamper Tantric, we want to bring you the very best masseuses in the London area who tick all of the boxes for the perfect tantric massage booking. This is why we work tirelessly, recruiting and training masseuses with a natural understanding of tantra. We hand-pick our girls based on their talents at providing exceptional tantric massage London services so that you can feel confident that we can truly offer you the very best tantric massage.

Choose From Our Collection Of Beautiful Girls

Tantra is widely known as one of the most intimate experiences you can possibly enjoy. This makes it even more important to us that you are able to connect with our masseuses. In doing so you and your masseuse are able to develop a romantic & comforting atmosphere, guaranteeing a night of pleasure you'll never want to forget.

As a result, we always recommend to anyone looking to book an unforgettable tantric massage to take time to have a good look through each of our masseuse's profiles. This will give you a better idea of our girl's personalities and the different services they specialise in so you can best choose the individual that will best suit you and your desires. As with anything should you need any help with this process don't hesitate to email us/or simply call on 07920062168!

We believe in an honest and reliable tantric massage London service, which is why we have spent years perfecting our recruitment process so that we have only the most talented masseuses in London. Take a look at our tantra massage gallery and you will find that each and every one of our girls is drop dead gorgeous to boot. We truly wish to help make sure you get the most out of your tantric massage experience, which is why we have meticulously worked on perfecting our tantric services.

Our London Locations

Tantric massage services are available for men, women, and couples alike, throughout London. Our girls provide the outcall tantric massage services and are eager to meet clients every day of the week. From Bayswater to Chelsea, Mayfair to Paddington, whether you are looking to relax and unwind after a tough day at work or you seek a professional massage service, our agency is perfect for you.

Book a Massage Using Pamper Tantric

There are a number of ways in which you can book a tantric massage from Pamper Tantric. Firstly, you can use our booking line on 07920 062 168 which is our recommended method of booking since this allows you to speak to a member of our reception team who can help you with recommendations and any questions you might have about our high-quality tantric massage services.

Our reception team knows our masseuses very well, which is why they are perfectly suited to help you get the most out of your tantra massage booking with one of our incredible young ladies and can even help you choose which girl is best to suit your individual tastes and desires.

Should you wish for a slightly more discreet method of booking a tantra experience in tantric massage bookings, however, this does take us a little while to process (up to 24 hours) and such is not suitable for same-day bookings. Please be sure to fill out this form in its entirety so that we have all of the information we need to make your booking and we will get back to you with confirmation as quickly as we can.

Thanks, Pamper Tantric.

Massage Services

Award Winning

award winning tantric massage london services
Award Winning
discreet london tantric massage service
Discreet Service
genuine masseuses
Genuine Models
rapid service
Rapid Service
100% Guarantee
100% Guarantee
fully trained
Fully Trained


Pamper Tantric is strictly an introductory service between the client and self-employed masseuses. We simply represent these masseuses and do not employ them. Pamper Tantric does not provide sexual services and is strictly a provider of tantric massage services. This website does contain content of an adult nature, as such if you are below the required legal age to view adult websites in your country of residence, or are otherwise not legally permitted to view adult websites for any other reason we ask that you please LEAVE NOW.

© 2018 Pamper Tantric